Thursday, March 01, 2007

George Costanza's Answering Machine

Time for a smile. George Costanza (from Seinfeld) shows us how to use an answering machine to avoid unwanted calls. To start with: personalize your message, make it sound believable!

GEORGE [on tape, singing] "Believe it or not, George, isn't at home, please leave a mes-saaage at the beep. I must be out or I'd pick up the pho-one. Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not hooome." [beep]
JERRY George, pick up. I know you're screening for Allison.
JERRY So, coffee shop?
GEORGE No, I can't. She knows I go there. It's not secure. [the call waiting beeps] Hey, I got another call comin' in. I gotta let the machine get it. Bye.
GEORGE [on tape, singing] "Believe it or not, George, isn't at home, please leave a mes-saaage at the beep. I must be out or I'd pick up the pho-one. Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not hooome." [beep]
ALLISON George? Are you there? I hate that stupid message. I know you're avoiding me, I'm at the office, please call me, I've gotta talk to you.
GEORGE [to phone] Hi, Allison? Oh, I guess you're not at home... I probably should 've tried you at the office. Anyway, good to hear from ya, really looking forward to the ball.. [hangs up and happily chuckles] Ha ha!


Susana said...

Very funny! Particularly when George rings Allison pretending he is also interested in speaking with her, but he rings Allison's home instead of the office.
I figured it was taken from youtube and looked there.
There are a lot more, but none of them so funny as this one.
I also liked one by the Barbershop Quartet, but it's not funny, the advantage is that it's anonymous and you don't need to be "George" if you want it in your mobile phone.
Thank you for starting again with the blog, I was missing the quizzes.

anna said...
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anna said...

Hi gals and ...guys!
I liked the word ;-)
Just telling you that I am getting "Seinfeldaholic" after seeing all those funny sketches found in youtube, hahaha

Amparo said...

I think this series is witty and makes you laught with easy things. He is very surprised when she says that she hates the message, he is very surprised.