Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Most Underreported Story of 2006?

While we strive to improve our English, life - and death - goes on in this crazy world.

Everyday we are confronted with mounting evidence that war is seldom a solution to any international conflict. Indeed one of the most tragic consequences of the unfinished Iraq war is its enormous toll on the civil population. Critical voices claim that whereas the US media meticulously report American casualties, Iraqi losses are largely ignored and the Lancet study of the number of Iraqi deaths has been the most underreported story of the year 2006 in the United States. Moreover, estimates of Iraqi civilian deaths from 2003 to October 2006 vary between 30,000 (US government) and 655,000 (Lancet study). How and why is this possible?

Watch this controversial video and form your own opinion:


Susana said...

I think we are no longer taken by surprise by he biased informations given by the US press, and by the press in general. They did exactly the same thing concerning the conflict/war in Congo for instance, to mention only one more example. Economical interests are behind all this.
Perhaps this is a very simplified or shallow opinion, let's wait for somebody else's and then delve deeper into this matter.

I've a sore throat again. I'm going to the doctor this morning and if I'm lucky I'll see you this afternoon.

Ferran said...

Hello Susana,

I don't think your contribution is shallow at all. On the contrary, I find it very apt that you mention one of the conflicts in Africa. These are even more ignored by the Western media, and I totally agree with you in that economic interests are at the source of this manipulation or bias.

Concerning Iraq, whatever the real figures are, an incredibly vast amount of human suffering lies behind them.

I wish you a good recovery again and hope to see you later!

María M. said...

I don´t know why but I can´t hear in a good quality the report anyway, I agree with you both. There are always economic interests behind all conflicts.
In my opinion, American people are totally manipulated by the media. At least, the majority of the population because how can you understand that they re-elected to G.Bush after the Irak´s matter?
Really, I´m talking without having a deep knowledge about the topic, It´s just my point of view.

You are all invited to Vila-real in "fiestas".
Have a nice weekend!

Susana said...

Thank you for your invitation Maria, I would like to go to "Vila-Real in fiestas" but my problem is that I don't know if I'll be able to dress so elegant and sexy as you were yesterday. Anyway I'll try and if I attain this difficult goal, we'll meet there, you'll see me at a distance.

Enjoy the "fiesta"!


anna said...

Hi fellows!!!
I am not surprised about Bush and his opinion. Have you noticed (any time by chance) the difference between the News in CNN and Al Jazeera?

Have a nice weekend ahead!

María M. said...

Wow lovely Susana! Thank you for your compliments!! You always get to bring me a smile. Your sense of humour is incredible!!
Don´t worry about your clothes, you don´t need to wear your "fondo de armario" just try with your basic wardrobe.
You´ll be welcome to Vila-real whatever you dress.
Bye, Bye

Susana said...

Hi everybody,

I apologize, I know this is a place to discuss about a serious matter but I can't avoid telling María that she also makes me laugh a lot. María I think we are made of the same nature, although my nature is a little more "mature".

Enjoy the weekend at the fiesta, see you. Bye.


Ferran said...

Hello everybody!

Thank you for your wonderful contributions. I can see that we all agree on the Iraq question.

About the media manipulation of public opinion, I'd say it's a very complicated question. Rather than CNN, it is channels like Fox News that justify our view of a partisan, 'patriotic' and biased reporting style. Personally I think that CNN is fairly balanced in its reporting of international news (the choice of news would be a different matter), at least as far as American media goes.

Regarding voters' behaviour, let's not forget facts like 87% of the population in New York voting against GWB. We cannot ignore either the irregularities that characterized the last two US presidential elections. Numerous questions have been raised about their fairness. Remember the Florida scandal in 2000? No less appalling is the so-called 2004 Ohio election fraud (among others). A very worrying situation anyway. Just in case anyone is interested, here are two links to pages dealing with this issue:

Maria, thank you very much for your invitation to the festes in Vila-real, and for your humour. Any special suggestions? It'd be great to see you all displaying your 'fondos de armario' there. I'll have to check mine. At least I know I'm autumn!

María M. said...


Any special suggestions? Well, it depends on your taste, although, in fact, there is a wide variety and I´m sure that you can find something interesting.
For instance, you can enjoy with performances(such as Dover and Lolita for free), bulls on the street, exhibitions...however, I recommend you the theatre on the street. It´s coming the next weekend, from Friday the 18th to Sunday the 20th. In addition, this time not for free, there´s a special performance at the Municipal Auditorium on Wednesday and Thrusday night held by "La Cubana".
For further information, you can check the following link:

In case you decide to visit us, please, don´t hesitate and let me know it!
Come on!! Just put your jeans on and have fun!
I hope to see you this afternoon!