Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Italian Cork Soakers

Let's continue with our series dedicated to accents of English and start recognizing accents influenced by foreign languages. For this purpose we shall use a skit from the American television show Saturday Night Live.

Saturday Night Live is one of the longest running television shows ever to be aired. This New York-based sketch comedy show has run since the fall of 1975. Many famous actors and actresses have starred in it: Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, Gilda Radner, Paul Shaffer, Eddie Murphy, Joe Piscopo, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Martin Short, Joan Cusack, Robert Downey Jr., Dennis Miller...

In its first season, Saturday Night Live began a running gag based on the treatment of Franco's terminal illness and imminent demise by the Spanish media, announcing periodically on its news segments “Generalissimo Franco is still dead!”

In the following sketch, an Italian family of cork soakers explain in detail the art of cork soaking. Enjoy!

NB: Maybe you would like to become cork soakers yourselves!


Unknown said...

Hi Ferran!

Thanks for this very funny video. Do you know the joke of the Italian who went to Malta? Here is one link:

See you!

Ferran said...

Hi Quim!

Welcome to our blog and thank you for your contribution.

Yes, I knew a slightly different version of that joke. The good thing is it also works with Spanish accents!
