Sunday, November 19, 2006

Listening comprehension practice

Let's start the week with three listening comprehension quizzes.

The first two exercises require not only vocabulary and grammar skills but also cultural and analytical abilities.

The third exercise will help you recognize how words sound when they run together in informal speaking.

The exercises are based on American pronunciation, but that should be no problem for you. Good luck!

Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 3


Susana said...

10/10 on both Nº 1 and Nº 2.
I'm so tired after showing my cultural and analytical abilities that I'm leaving Nº 3 for tomorrow.
Take care. Bye.

Susana said...

Hi, as promissed, here is my score on Nº 3: 9/10 Did you eat it?, instead of
Did you eat yet?
Come on! Make up your minds! It's not difficult.

Gladis said...

Hi, for me number three is difficult! they only say half of the words!!! :)
Nº1 and Nº2 are Ok!

Ferran said...

Welcome to the blog, Gladis! Yeah, quiz #3 is tricky, but it's the way many people speak!

Wow, Susana, congrats! That's impressive!

C'mon, people, take the challenge!

Rafa C. said...

Hi again!! I've been in Rome these last days and I couldn't do these exercices. So I've tried it and I think the same as Gladis, the third one is so difficult. And if you listen it few times in a row you go crazy, ha!

For me the most difficult word to understand has been "have", because I can't listen it.

1- 9/10; 2- 9/10 & 3- 5/10.