Friday, March 02, 2007

Theatre at the EOI Auditorium!

The Up Front Theatre Company presents:

'The Portrait of Dorian Gray'

Enjoy a new version of Oscar Wilde's classic tale, enriched with music-hall entertainment and insights into Pablo Picasso's personality and work.

Volunteer extras from the audience will be kindly asked to join in some of the music-hall numbers.

Where and When:
EOI Auditorium
Wednesday 7 March 6 p.m.

Tickets: 1 € (available at the EOI Administration Office)


Susana said...

Ferran, we have to be in class on Wednesday at this time.
What do you think we should do?
I cannot decide between this two
attractive options.
Thank you for your valuable advice.

Ferran said...

Dear Susana, you're right. I should have informed you about this last Wednesday (I can only say in my discharge that I wasn't feeling well at all, so I forgot). I plan to offer class at 7 for those who are not interested in the play, and then resume normal class for everyone once the show is over. If I were you, I'd go to the play and come to class once it's finished. Hope this helps

Susana said...

Yes! This has helped a lot. Now I can go to the play without having a guilty conscience.
I hope your illness hasn't been caused by the marks of our exams.
I wish you a prompt recovery, don't forget we must have a 12 minutes talk next Monday.

María M. said...

Hi Ferran and Susana!! Just one thing, It´s really funny to read your messages.

Ferran, about the play, although I´m interested in I´m afraid It´s impossible for me to assist because I´m still working at 6pm.
In my opinion, The EOI should think about working people too.

Anyway, Could you tell me how long does it take? Maybe at 7pm is still going and I can see something

Bye bye

Ferran said...

Hi Maria! You're absolutely right, what about the working people? Anyway I know it's very difficult to find a time that fits everyone's schedules.
What you say is a good idea, so I've already asked how long the play takes so I can give you an answer asap.
See you around

María M. said...


Ferran said...

Hi Maria and all! I've been told the performance will last about 1 hour and 15 minutes. So anyone who feels curious can just check the last part of the play and then join us in class!