Thursday, March 29, 2007

What Makes Men Fall in Love?

Some more relationship lingo to learn and practice. What makes men fall in love? Yahoo expert David Zinczenko thinks he knows. Curious? Check his article. Do you agree with him?

Some quotes:
"When a man falls for a woman, he falls hard. Men love to be in love."
"[...] half of men say that they're currently not with their soul mates"
"Men want to be with women who challenge them, who push them, and who take the lead some of the times."

PS: Next article will be from a woman's point of view.


María M. said...

I´m waiting for men´s opinion. Come on guys!!
I absolutely agree with the writer.
I wonder if David Zinczenko is currently available because I haven´t found my soul mate yet...jajaja
Have a nice weekend!!!

Susana said...

I think that: “What makes men fall in love?” (B) goes more in the depths of men’s (and woman’s) soul, while: “Are women too aggressive?”(A) stays more in the cold analysis of the figures. Still A gets its real meanning when it’s complemented by B.

When you read in (A): “for example, few things are as attractive to a man as a woman who's unafraid to pursue the guy she's interested in”. Then you need to know that what men look for (B): “is a women who has the strut, and what do they mean by the strut? They mean that attitude, that sassiness, that confidence, that charisma, that charm” and not a naked aggressiveness, and they say it very clearly, as Ferran quoted: “Men want to be with women who challenge them, who push them, and who take the lead some of the times, also women who can help steer them” but…. without aggressiveness, just by going in the same direction hand-in hand yet remaining (B) “immersed in something else other than the relationship”.

Anyway, I believe there are several types of men.
Just two examples: There are the guys who want women they can control. And there are the ones who love to be in love to share emotions and sex with their “soul mates”.
What is certain is that our approach to commitment has changed a very great deal
“Doesn't matter whose fault it is-men's, women's, or nobody's. We're just simply not making it to this stage of commitment as often as we used to”

Ferran said...

Hi Maria and Susana! Thank you very much for you valuable contributions.

Susana, you wrote a splendid review of both articles. Congratulations! I agree with you also in your classification of types of men. Maybe we should add a third group: those who like to be controlled or even dominated by their partners.

Maria, the guys in the corner seem to be on holiday, so I might end up giving you my opinion if no one else does! Regarding Zinczenko, you can try posting a comment on his blog and asking him. To start with he's a good-looking expert, isn't he?

Nice week!

Susana said...

No, he isn't. Dave, I mean, he looks too from the Eastern Countries to me. Athough I like to read him because he's intelligent or at least an accurate observer.
As I'm a quite accurate observer too, and I would like to ask you why you read magazines for 40-plus men.
It would be interesting to have your opinion on the articles too.
P.S. Sometimes rethorical questions are so just to be polite...

María M. said...

Hello Susana and Ferran!
About the article, I totally agree with Susana, your experience bring us interesting and accurate comments.
Related to David, I was joking however, he seems to be a really clever man, although the good ones are taken, aren´t they?
Finally, I would like to read your opinion about the article because the guys are definitely on holiday.
See you!

Susana said...

Hi Maria,
You have forgotten something about the good ones: They are taken or they are queer.
Enjoy your holidays.

Ferran said...

Wow gals! Whole lotta chatting going on! Just great.

Susana, I just came across Zinczenko's blog by chance from my yahoo mail because of a cool headline, I don't read such magazines as you mention. I found his article interesting and decided to share it with you at later stages of the blog, that's where we are now.

About Zinczenko's origins, his last name is Ukrainian, so you're right once more, Susana.

Well, the good ones may be taken or queer, but there seems to be an extremely high breakup rate in relationships nowadays, so often a gentle push would suffice to topple more than one. BTW, I don't mean to sound cynical.

Maria, about my opinion, shan't we wait a little more for the guys in the corner? Otherwise, I promise to continue tomorrow, as I'm not going on holiday. To start with I'd say I tend to agree with many of Zinczenko's remarks but on the whole I find his article a bit superficial. If only we could make things work out in love with such easy recipes!

Have a nice Easter!

María M. said...

Hello again!
It´s true, this kind of article tend to be superficial, but in that case it´s a good way to practice English.
Have fun!!!
Susana have a good trip and a nice Easter!!!

Ferran said...

Yeah, Maria, that's the right attitude! We're here to practise English, aren't we?

Anyway, if you want to go deeper into this topic (in English of course), you can check the following link:

Happy Easter!

Susana said...

Hi from China,
Thank you Maria for your good wishes. We had very hard turbulences half of the time and I got sea-sick. Now I've slept 2 or 3 hours, had a little corn soup and I feel better. It's raining and very cold. the cold weather is not normal here so everybody is freezing and Satur had to buy underwear T-shirts (he bought 3 long sleeves for 1 euro each)
Revenons a nous moutons... (how do you say this in english?: Let's go back to the matter?
Ferran, about the question on the 40-plus magazines I was just trying to be flattery concerning your age. By the way, I bought the "Men's Health" at Ch. de Gaulle" and it's nothing so special. I'll bring it to you.

Concerning Zinczenko's origin I told you I'm an accurate observer, but looking at his name is not difficult to guess.

About the high breackup in relationships that you mention, there is some ingredients missing in these recipes, one of them is "patience" but for the others it's not so easy. Perhaps one should do as the chief cooks, they taste and add what's missing. But I completely agree with you both, IT'S COMPLICATED, and what this kind of articles do is to help you thinking and sharing your thoughts with people with the same concerns or interests.
Ferran you don't sound cynical and none of us 3 is included in my silly assessments. Clear enough?

I wish you a HAPPY EASTER to you both.
I'm going to send a message to the guys, see if we get something out of them.
It's 10 PM here, we have 6 hours difference.

Manolo said...

Guau! this topic is boiling hot!
It is a tough question indeed. What makes men fall in love? Actually, every man feels, wants or likes in a different way. So it might be: need, loneliness, empathy, "blindness" or any of these depending on who is the one to fall in love. So, in my opinion Zinczenko has "got into shirt of eleven sticks" trying to cover such a profound matter.
p.S This is not an excuse not to give my opinion, I ´m serious

María M. said...

Thanks for the link Ferran although I don´t have special interest in this type of topics, I find it´s always the same story. But in order to practise, whatever...

What a nice surprise lovely Susana!! News from China!!!
Don´t worry about your assessments!!!In my opinion, everything is right.Your wise comments fit perfectly well with mine.

Susana said...

Hi Manolo!!!!
I'm glad to hear you,
Did the action taken, sending a message to the chat box awake your curiosity?
But I have to say that you are a "coward of the prairie" because you "went by the Ubeda's mountains".
Maria, Ferran and myself have been waiting for too long, to get this half opinion. Come on "wet yourself".

(Ferran I know this is not correct English but the "shirt of eleven sticks" reminded me about this silly things).

Maria, I have the feeling that you wish to change topic. Am I right?

Ferran said...

Wow, impressive!

Manolo, welcome to this interesting thread! You can see how it makes people talk. That's what counts. And if you speak out, like Susana kindly asks you to, so much better!

Hi Susana! It's great to hear from you! Well, so many interesting inputs, I'll try to keep up with your contributions somehow. Thank you so much for your compliments, assessments, comments and wit. "Revenons à nos moutons" would be sth like "(let's get) back to the subject", so you almost had it.

These word-by-word translations of idioms can be very funny. Ever heard of the book "From Lost to the River"? Well, the author just did what clever students of English (like you) do or have done. One of my favourites was "for if the flies...".

So bye for now, Susana, I hope you get a good night's sleep in China!

Hi Maria, you're right, talking or writing about this is always the same old story, but as people spend so many hours a day thinking or speaking about it, I thought it's good for you to look at this topic from different angles. The BBC article just provides a more scientific - or 'serious' - approach with interesting vocabulary. Anyway, I'll follow Susana's suggestion (and maybe yours) and change the topic. Why can women read so well between the lines where we poor men can't see a thing?!?

Happy Easter to you all!!!

María M. said...

Clever Susana!! you are right I would like to change...this topic smells a little, don´t you think so?
Finally, one guy in the corner has decided to post a comment!!! What can I say Manolo? I have no words... better late than never?

Poor Ferran!! Maybe are you talking about "intuition"? we can analyse so much that we are capable to find what it isn´t written.
Happy holidays!!

Ferran said...

Ok, ok, Maria! I got the message. This topic smells and I hadn't even noticed :(
I'm just a poor, intuitionless member of the male gender! Well, I'm bringing the next topic straight away. You really deserve it!

Have fun!

María M. said...

I appreciate it. Your sympathy has no end!!
Anyway, I must apologise for my comments because sometimes can sound a little rude. I have no intention of bothering anyone.
Enjoy your holidays!