Monday, December 04, 2006

Martha Stewart tries to teach Borat

Watch how Martha Stewart (homekeeping expert) tries to teach Borat how to make a bed in Jay Leno's show.


Anna P. said...

I haven't watched Borat's film yet (and probably I won't do it), but I've found the interview really funny (although very sexyst?). Anyway, he probably will appear in most of american "night shows" to promote his film. Have a nice and long weekend.

Susana said...

Hi anna p.,
I'll lend you the Borat's film. I have downloaded it and although the quality of the image is quite poor, you still can hear Borat talking nonsense.
I'll take it on Monday.
You too have an enjoyable long, long, long weekend.

Ferran said...

Hi Anna, I don't think I will see Borat's film either, not in Spanish version. But I'll check it in the original for sure. Anyway, this film is causing a huge controversy in the US, apart from being a box office success. Among other considerations, Borat "reveals the painful politeness of American society", and only because of this it is extremely interesting.